This house is Automatically refreshed – again this is something that related to historical choices.This house is private – the alternative here is ‘This house is open to the public’.This is a custom-built house – If you chose one of the pre-built houses, this would be stated here.This house is of modern design – this relates to a change in house placement rules in late 1999, only houses placed before that time might be ‘of classic design’.This house is properly placed – It is possible for a house to become improperly placed through actions outside of your control, don’t worry your house will not fall down.Each page gives information about your house and options that you can select to manage it. When you double click on the house sign a menu will open up. This is done through the house menu, through some spoken commands and through security settings on doors, teleporters and, when you come to furnish the house, on containers. You have placed your house and, if customised, built it. Security (people) | Storage Availability | Inside the House | Security (items)